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3765 Plaza Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

(734) 353 7400

What makes my objects unique and different?  The objects I choose to make and the techniques I employ are the result of a large dose of formal training and 40 odd years of living a life that has designing and crafting as the central core of what I do.  It is the blending of the simplicity of Shaker and Danish design that is the under pinning for my approach to and solving of design projects and problems combined the ability execute and produce a product that is well and properly crafted.

Personalized Design and Custom Fabrication

Ash & Paduk fireplace suround

Ash & Paduk fireplace suround

Granet & curly cherry pass-though

Granet & curly cherry pass-though

Guardian light post

Guardian light post


SkyShips Design is a service that focuses on custom solutions that are designed in concert with our clients. We have worked with architectural firms, custom home builders, interior designers and individual clients.

We excel at helping all our clients clarify, refine their needs and in turn use this information to design and build solutions that satisfy those unique parameters.